Welcome to Football Journeys.

Connecting communities and empowering young people to become leaders.


What We Do.


Football Journeys is a charity bringing young people from different communities together to share new experiences, find common ground and overcome stereotypes.

Our work is based around experiential learning, allowing participants to discover and gain new skills and networks while encouraging and expanding beyond their comfort zones.

Breaking down stereotypes.

Connecting communities and empowering young people to become leaders.

Why We Do It.

Since 2012 Football Journeys has tackled mistrust and stereotypes by taking participants to different areas to build positive links with their peers.

We’re working to break down barriers between young people based on evidence that meaningful interaction makes you more likely to view different groups positively. We believe this will help build a stronger and more connected society.



Football Journeys is a proven model, building connections between diverse communities and supporting young people to develop leadership skills.

Find out what we found from collecting baseline data and feedback from young people, youth practitioners and teachers.


Make a donation.

Your donation will enable young people from all backgrounds to expand their horizons and build life changing connections.

More Info?

For more detailed information about organising a Football Journey at your school please contact us at:

Email: info@londonfootballjourneys.org

Tel: 07504 681 190